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10 Ways To Protect Babies During Winter Season

  • By Swati Gaikwad - Content Writer
  • •  Feb 29, 2024

Winter season can be a magical time, but it also brings unique challenges for caring for a newborn. While you might be excited to embrace the season with your little one, ensuring their comfort and well-being becomes a top priority. The good news is, with a few simple adjustments, you can ensure your little one stays warm, comfortable, and healthy throughout the season. Here are some tips to navigate winter with your newborn and keep them warm, happy, and healthy:

1. Warmth and Winter Season Clothes:

Ditch the bulky sweaters and opt for thin, breathable layers like onesies, pants, socks, and a sweater. This allows your baby to regulate their temperature and stay comfortable. Remember, if you're wearing one jacket, your baby will likely need two thin layers to feel equally warm. While keeping your baby warm is crucial, avoid overdressing them. Swaddling them tightly or using bulky winter season clothes can restrict their movement and make them uncomfortable. Layer the winter season clothes wisely and adjust as needed based on the temperature. Opt for soft, breathable materials like cotton or fleece. Avoid synthetic fabrics that trap heat and moisture. Keep those ears, hands, and feet warm with hats, mittens, and booties.

2. The Power Of Touch:

Winter air can be dry, stealing moisture from your baby's delicate skin and making it itchy or flaky. Gentle massages with warm coconut oil or mustard oil are a win-win during the winter season. Not only do they keep your baby warm and cozy, but they also:

  • Improve circulation: This helps deliver warmth and nutrients throughout your baby's body.
  • Aid digestion: Gentle strokes on their tummy can help ease any gas or discomfort.
  • Promote better sleep: The calming touch and warmth can help your baby relax and drift off to dreamland.
  • Strengthen bones and muscles: The gentle pressure applied during massage can stimulate development in your little one.
  • Moisturize skin: Winter air can be harsh on delicate skin. Oiling helps in baby’s skin care by locking in moisture, keeping your baby's skin soft and supple.

Always test a small amount of oil on your baby's inner arm before applying it all over. This helps check for any allergic reactions. Use warm oil, not hot! You can warm the oil by gently rubbing it between your palms. Focus on gentle strokes and avoid applying too much pressure. Your baby should enjoy the experience, not find it uncomfortable.

3. Car Seat Safety:

While it's important to keep your baby warm, hold off on buckling them into the car seat with the bulky snowsuit on. "Snug is the hug" when it comes to car seat straps! Why? In a car accident, the padding in the snowsuit flattens, creating extra space under the harness. This loose fit can be dangerous for your baby. So what should you do?

  • Dress them in thin layers and ensure the harness is snug and secure. You should only be able to fit one finger beneath the strap at the chest.
  • After securing your baby in the car seat, you can then put a blanket over their legs and feet. However, remove the blanket once the car warms up to avoid overheating.

4. Use A Humidifier:

Winter air tends to be dry and can steal moisture from your baby's delicate skin, making it dry and irritated. A cool-mist humidifier adds moisture back into the air, making it feel warmer and keeping your baby's skin hydrated. Aim for a comfortable room temperature between 26-28°C (79-82°F). Avoid overheating, as it can increase the risk of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

5. Your Baby’s Winter Skin Care:

Newborns have delicate skin, more prone to dryness and irritation in the winter season due to the cold temperatures, low humidity, and dry indoor heat. Here are baby skin care tips to leave your baby's skin feeling soft and smooth:

  • Instead of daily baths, bathe your baby every 2-3 days a week with lukewarm water and a mild, tear-free cleanser. Water can actually dry out their skin.
  • Aim for a bath temperature of around 100°F and keep it short and sweet – five minutes for newborns, ten minutes max for older babies.
  • After gently patting your baby dry, use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer all over. Ointment-like moisturizers are like tiny shields, locking in moisture better than creams. Reapply often throughout the day, especially after diaper changes.

6. Watch Out For Warning Signs:

It's a delicate balance between keeping your baby warm and preventing them from overheating, especially with winter season clothes. Here's how to know:

  • To gauge if your little one is too warm, feel their ears and neck. If they're red and hot, or their neck is sweaty, they're likely too warm. In this case, try removing a layer of clothing, offering them breast milk, or gently sponging them down with lukewarm water.
  • Similarly, check the back, chest, or belly to ensure they're not too cold. If they feel cool to the touch, add another layer. If you suspect frostbite (signs include skin that's pale, numb, or waxy), apply a warm washcloth to their chilly areas for a few minutes, dry them thoroughly, swaddle them, and offer warmed breast milk or fluids. In both cases, if their symptoms worsen or persist, consult your pediatrician.

7. Healthy Mamma, Healthy Baby:

A healthy and rested parent is better equipped to care for their little one. Prioritize your own well-being and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed. A healthy mom equals a healthy baby! Taking care of yourself is vital as you'll be your baby's primary caregiver. Ensure you eat healthy foods, get adequate sleep, and practice good hygiene to minimize the risk of passing on any illnesses to your little one.

8. Outdoor Adventures:

  • Bundle Up: When venturing outside, dress your baby in an additional layer than you're wearing, including a warm coat or snowsuit.
  • Short Outings: Keep outdoor trips brief, especially in extreme cold. Monitor your baby for signs of fussiness or cold hands/feet, indicating they need to come inside.
  • Sunshine - A Natural Boost: While the winter season  brings cozy nights, don't forget the power of sunshine! Sunlight helps your baby's body produce vitamin D, essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system. Vitamin D also plays a role in cell growth and development. Sunlight exposure can boost your baby's mood and help regulate their sleep-wake cycle. Sunlight also is believed to kill germs, which can help keep your baby healthy. But don’t forget sun protection; even on cloudy days, use a gentle, fragrance-free sunscreen with SPF 15+ on exposed skin.

9. Breastfeeding:

Breast milk provides essential nutrients and antibodies to help your baby fight off winter illnesses. Breast milk is a natural powerhouse packed with essential nutrients and antibodies that boost your baby's immune system and help them fight off infections. Breastfeeding is the perfect source of warmth, comfort, and nourishment, especially during the winter season.

10. Additional Tips:

  • Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with anyone sick to protect your baby from germs.
  • Doctor's Visits: Schedule regular checkups with your pediatrician to discuss any concerns and monitor your baby's development.
  • Vaccinations: Winter season is often associated with an increase in respiratory illnesses, making it even more crucial to ensure your baby's immune system is well-prepared. The best defense against these illnesses is vaccination. Follow your pediatrician's recommended vaccination schedule to ensure your baby receives the necessary immunizations to fight off common childhood diseases. Don't delay or skip vaccinations, every dose counts! 

Every baby is unique, so pay attention to your little one's cues and adjust their care as needed. This is a special time to bond with your newborn and create cozy memories that will last a lifetime. Remember, your pediatrician is always a great resource for personalized advice and guidance. By following these simple tips, you can ensure your newborn enjoys a cozy and healthy winter season, filled with snuggles and warm smiles.

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